Year: 2024
S.L.J Wanted poster for stone fish
Fact 1. Its one of most poisonous fish in the world
Fact 2. They spend most of there time staying still waiting for prey
Fact 3. They are very mistaken for rocks or coral
The man……… ( 50 word story )
I was walking on a street at night time the street lights were flickering off and on. Then suddenly they all turned off at the same time. And behind me I heard a man who said ” Hello little girl” then suddenly I fell on my head and everything went black.
The thief? ( 100 word story )
I was in my local supermarket and I was looking for some chips. Untill I heard someone say “ON THE FLOOR” I was scared but I was to lazy to go on the floor and wanted my chips so I didn’t. The man who said “ON THE FLOOR” was looking at me weirdly. Like man I’m just tryna get my chips. Then I heard him say “ILL SHOOT YOU” “okay do it” I said. The man shot a bullet it hit me but it didnt hurt that much then I realized it was a bb gun he went to jail.
Trees wind dirt brown logs,
Animals being hunted,
kids play in the forest,
georgia is an emo,
shes addecticed to tik tok,
shes mad all the time,
I am a big back,
I eat everything in the house,
Im hungry right now,
Cross country
I didnt go to cross country because I’m very lazy and my foots been hurting for a while now and I hate running and my mum said I didnt have to go I did like two cross country practises and they both were miserable. At home I was just playing fortnite with my friend who didnt go to cross country ether and I was eating lots of chips and made brownies